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December 31, 2023
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Offline Mode
Uploading snapshots using the OneIQ Pulse Uploader
Uploading snapshots using the OneIQ Pulse Uploader

Learn how to upload snapshots exported from the OneIQ Pulse data connector deployed in offline mode.

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Written by Alpha Team
Updated over a week ago


If it is not possible to profile an IT environment with outbound Internet connectivity, OneIQ Pulse can be deployed in offline mode. Snapshots exported from OneIQ Pulse can be uploaded using a command-line OneIQ Pulse Uploader tool.

Export snapshot from OneIQ Pulse

Click the Export button to export a snapshot (.1iq extension) from OneIQ Pulse. Exported snapshots are incremental and can be uploaded multiple times.

Best Practice: profile the IT environment for at least one day between snapshot exports.

Download OneIQ Pulse Uploader

OneIQ Pulse Uploader can be downloaded from the OneIQ Portal for three platforms:

  • Microsoft Windows

  • MacOS

  • Linux

Using OneIQ Pulse Uploader

The sections below will explain how the OneIQ Pulse Uploader can be used to upload snapshots for each supported platform.

Microsoft Windows

  1. Place OneIQ Pulse Uploader and exported snapshot (snapshot.1iq) in a temporary directory (e.g. C:\ONEIQ)

  2. Press the Start button

  3. Type cmd

  4. Select Command Prompt from the list

  5. Change to the temporary directory (eg. cd C:\ONEIQ) from Step 1

  6. Run OneIQ.Pulse.Uploader.exe snapshot.1iq


  1. Open Terminal

  2. Run the following commands from the directory of OneIQ.Pulse.Uploader: sudo chmod +x OneIQ.Pulse.Uploader

  3. Download the snapshot to any temporary directory (e.g. /tmp/ONEIQ)

  4. Run ./OneIQ.Pulse.Uploader /tmp/ONEIQ/snapshot.1iq where snapshot.1iq is the name of the snapshot exported from OneIQ Pulse


  1. Open Terminal

  2. Run the following commands from the directory of OneIQ.Pulse.Uploader: sudo chmod +x OneIQ.Pulse.Uploader

  3. Download the snapshot to any temporary directory (e.g. /tmp/ONEIQ)

  4. Run ./OneIQ.Pulse.Uploader /tmp/ONEIQ/snapshot.1iq where snapshot.1iq is the name of the snapshot exported from OneIQ Pulse

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