Profile settings

Learn about OneIQ account settings

Alpha Team avatar
Written by Alpha Team
Updated over a week ago


You must have a OneIQ account.


OneIQ Portal allows users to set up their profile details as desired. To navigate to Profile Details, click on the profile name in the left bottom part of a portal web page.

In the Profile Details section, you can see the last login session date as well as set up the following preferences.


Personal profile settings and UI preferences allow changing:

  • Profile avatar

  • First and Last name

  • Company name

  • Primary email address

It also allows users to synchronize color theme with OS settings and enable Dark mode.

Regional Settings

This section shows the preferred geographical location and timezone to use in the interface when displaying timestamps and other temporal data. Users can set up their preferred country and timezone as well as using the configured timezone (to use the client's local time settings).


Allows users to manage email addresses associated with the profile.

Note: at least one email should be designated as primary.


Users can change the password for the OneIQ Account.

Note: this does not affect other external identities.


Allows users to see a list of organizations they are a member of.


Shows user identities. Authentication is supported via any of the registered identity services.

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