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Azure Stack HCI

Learn how to use the OneIQ Pulse to discover Azure Stack HCI clusters, nodes and virtual machines

Alpha Team avatar
Written by Alpha Team
Updated over a year ago


OneIQ Pulse for Datacenter supports collection of configuration and performance data from Azure Stack HCI clusters, nodes and virtual machines.


Discover Azure Stack HCI clusters

Open the OneIQ Pulse console and follow the steps below:

  1. In the Select Discovery Target menu, choose Microsoft Azure Stack HCI

  2. Enter the following information for the Azure Stack HCI cluster:

    1. Cluster FQDN or Cluster Virtual IP as Hostname or IP address

    2. Username and Password

  3. Click Create to initiate Azure Stack HCI cluster discovery

  4. Upon successful discovery, a new Azure Stack HCI tile will appear in the Dashboard with the following information:

    • Hostname or IP address

    • Username

    • Status

What's next?

Use OneIQ Pulse to discover other supported datacenter platforms and collect network flows to identify network dependencies.

Cloud-native platforms inside the datacenter can be connected using the following OneIQ Pulse connectors:

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